Monday, October 29, 2007

Internet Safety

The internet is a wonderful resource. Students can find very valuable information in almost no time, with just a few clicks of a mouse. However, there are many dangers lurking on the internet and teachers and parents must inform students about these to help ensure that they remain safe on the internet. Some of the dangers include:

It can be very easy to come across sites which are inappropriate for children

Illegal and dangerous information (ex. How to make a bomb, or how to commit suicide)

Children can be easily persuaded to reveal personal information such as their name, gender, age, school, phone number or address, which could put them in danger

Another danger is that anyone can post their opinions on the internet, so there may be a lot of false information that students stumble across

The best way to protect students from these dangers is to inform them. Teach children about the possible dangers of the internet and why it is not a good idea to give out personal information. When properly educated students will be able to use logical thinking and make decisions that will keep them safe and make the most of their internet experiences.

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